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Informed Investing

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.

— Daniel Boorstin

There are no shortcuts.

Knowing still matters. Our world has become increasingly about narratives rather than numbers. There’s also been an exponential proliferation of “truthiness” and people who think they know. We take a fact-based approach and go as far as possible and document the unknowable gaps.

  1. Our base is engineering and applied computer science. Through a combination of degrees and work with the Department of Defense and Fortune 100 companies, we have honed an edge that combines theory with practice.
  2. Rapid results. One of the largest enterprise software companies in the world reached out to us for a project that took us eight weeks. When I asked them why they said the firms they already have on retainer would have required six to eight months.
  3. Business and investment-focused framework. We’re not looking for artistic triumphs. The point is to make a better business decision or an investment with high risk-adjusted returns on invested capital.
  4. True objectivity requires independence. Big firms often conclude that what clients need is more consulting services. Our conclusions are our own and may not be popular. We don’t play politics and have no axes to grind. Clients are free to bury the outcome of our work if it doesn’t suit their needs, but at least they know what they are getting into.
  5. Build new connections, tools, and services.
    Our network grows daily – both in size and fit with our client companies. You can learn more about us by contacting us.